Results for Holiday Inn-Vasion!
August 23, 2008

Results from In Your Face Wrestling's Holiday Inn-Vasion!
- The Green Mountain Grappler defeated Good Lord Willing with a roll up to win the Flag Match.
- H.C. Loc and Maxx Burton spoke about their history in a very emotionally driven interview.
- I.B. Green beat Ian Daniels with a sit out Uranage slam.
- Superbeast beat Kryptic with a Catatonic.
- J.P. Black was interviewed by Alexzandra about his title reign and possible retirement. This prompted Fronz Roddy to come out. Roddy said the match would be staright up and fair. He then offered his hand and J.P. reluctantly shook it.
- IYFW Tag Team Championship: Divine Diversity w/ Vermont Women's Champion, Lindsay Lynn beat "Bombshell" Bert Williams and his mystery partner, Vigo. Things looked good for Vigo and Williams until Superbeast came out and grabbed Yvonna Leach at ringside. Vigo went to her rescue, but left Williams alone to get hit with a double breaker from the Northern Studd and The Bull, which led to a 3 count.
- During Intermission, H.C. Loc took out Referee Nate Jones with his deadly combination.
- Scott Scarsdale and Guillaume de Sade defeated Team Do or Die: C.J. Scott & Josh Jordan, when Scarsdale hit "The Jackpot" on Jordan and stole the victory.
- H.C. Loc beat Maxx "The Ax" Burton with a choke submission in the match of the night. After the match, Loc grabbed a chair and was about to take out Burton. But Loc dropped the chair, left the ring and applauded Maxx as he walked away. Joey Eastman can not be happy, since he paid Loc to take Burton out.
- "Main Attraction" Mackie Schrody was disqualified for using the flexer in his match with Drake Evans.
- In Your Face Wrestling Championship: "The Mighty" Fronz Roddy defeated "The Dark Pony" J.P. Black to win the title in a match that was supposed to be one-on-one, but Mackie Schrody made several appearances and jabbed J.P. Black with the same flexer he got DQ'd with in the previous match. Fronz concentrated on J.P.'s ribs throughout the match. It seemed at one point J.P. would retain the title but Fronz hit the spear on the injured ribs and got the pin. As both men beat on J.P., Drake Evans ran out to stop them. It seems the feud between Fronz and Drake just took a dramatic turn.
Thanks for the support to the fans of IYFW for making "Holiday Inn-Vasion" the best show to date.
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