Can't Tread On Us! July 14, 2012
 Poster by Scott McGregor
- Drake Evans pinned Elite Terrell to win a 4-Way Free-for-all. This match also included Punisher Van Slyck and Foxx Vinyer
- Good Lord Willing beat The Rickety Rocket who was accompanied by Babs Booster
- "The Pillar" Roman Dominguez forced Ian Daniels to submit to The Arch of Constantine
- "Megastar" Michael Monroe defeated Nocturne
- Pierre Vachon retained the IYFW Championship when Referee Dan Roberts had to disqualify Vigo. This match had to happen earlier than planned because of an altercation both men had in the locker room
- Shiloh Robinson beat "The Wolf" C.J. Scott by count out. After the match, C.J. and his brother Damon Ravage, who bought a ticket to sit in the audience, got into a fight causing the referees and several wrestlers to separate them. Damon was thrown out of the building while C.J. was restrained back to the locker room. As a result, Scott has been suspended from the August 4th show and Ravage has been barred from the building.
- Pure Dynamite: Chuck Deep & Bad Brad Wesley w/Michael Anthony defeated The Killer Steves: Steve Kruz & Steve McKenzie
- "The Mighty" Fronz Roddy beat "The Shaft" Bobby Ocean
- Blood Money: Scott Scarsdale, Guillaume de Sade & Robert Coleman won the 6-man Lumberjack Tag match over The Uprising: "Loverboy" Ricky Williams & Jamar "Magic" Justice and Liam McFerran when Scarsdale hit The Jackpot on Ricky Williams
An absolute insane evening in Whitehall.
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