Results for "Memories, Moments & Mayhem" May 18, 2012

Poster by Scott McGregor
- Lanny Poffo was introduced and recited a poem he specifically wrote for the evening. After he was done, the members of Blood Money: "Millennium Millionaire" Scott Scarsdale, Michael Anthony and "The Real" Rob Coleman came to the ring and started to threaten Lanny. The Uprising: "Loverboy" Ricky Williams and Jamar "Magic" Justice came to the ring to back up Poffo. A challenge was made for a 6-man tag match and it was accepted.
- Liam McFerran retained the In Your Face Wrestling New Breed Championship in a 4-way Free-for-All by pinning Ian Daniels after a lariat. This match also featured Nocturne and Shiloh Robinson.
- Vigo defeated "The Pillar" Roman Dominguez by disqualification when Dominguez shoved referee Dan Roberts.
- Divine Diversity: The Northern Studd and The Bull w/Lindsay Lynn beat "Megastar" Michael Monroe and "The Wolf" C.J. Scott.
- Mistress Belmont defeated Barbie
- J.P. Black won the In Your Face Rumble to challenge Pierre Vachon for the IYFW Championship
- The Uprising and Lanny Poffo defeated Blood Money when Poffo landed a Moonsault on Scarsdale.
- Val Venis w/ Barbie beat "The Mighty" Fronz Roddy with The Money Shot.
- Pierre "The Beast" Vachon retained the In Your Face Wrestling Championship by using the title belt to knock J.P. Black out after the referee had been knocked down and pinning him.
- International Combat 3: Fit Finlay and "The Round Eye Samurai" Bobby Fish defeated "The Shaft" Bobby Ocean and Drake Evans. This match went the full 15 minute time limit. "Minister" Maxx Burton, answering the audience's demand, allowed 5 more minutes during which Evans was pinned by Finlay.
This was the biggest night in IYFW history and it definitely lived up and surpassed the hype. We thank the fans of Amsterdam for their support and our special guests who joined IYFW at this event. It was a night full of Memories, Moments and Mayhem.
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