Results for "Season 5: Cauldron of Hate" October 1, 2011
 Poster by Julia Christopher
- The Celtic Crew: Liam McFerran & Michael McKinger defeated WAR and "Millennium Millionaire" Scott Scarsdale
- The Northern Studd beat "The Modern Day Marquis" Guillaume deSade.
- Rocco Perrelli won a 4-way Free-For-All against Foxx Vinyer, Real Coleman and "Reckless" Ian Daniels by pinning Daniels.
After the match, two security guards wearing Halloween masks came in the ring to help Ian. They attacked him and unmasked to reveal themselves to be C.J. Scott & Damon Ravage, The Savage Wolves. Minister Maxx Burton came thundering out of the lockerroom and ran them off.
- Drake Evans defeated Superbeast with a Top Rope Elbow.
- "The Mighty" Fronz Roddy beat "The Pillar" Roman Dominguez with "The Aus Crusher" to become the new In Your Face Wrestling New Breed Champion. This made history as Roddy became the first Triple Crown winner in IYFW.
- The Enemy: "The Spectacle" Adam Badger & "Megastar" Michael Monroe retained the IYFW Tag Team titles over Shiloh Robinson and The Rickety Rocket (replacing "Loverboy" Ricky Williams). Jamar "Magic" Justice accompanied the challengers on this night.
- Pierre "The Beast" Vachon defeated "The Force from the North" Vigo in the Grudge Match of the Year to become the new IYFW Champion by using a fireball and the Mandible Claw on Vigo.
In Your Face Wrestling's next show is "The Brass Ring" on Saturday, November 12th at the Ballston Area Community Center in Ballston Spa, NY.
Thanks once again to the great fans of the Capital Region who have helped support In Your Face Wrestling and helped it progress into it's 5th year of operation.
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