Results for "Seize The Moment": January 14, 2012
 Poster by Julia Christopher
- Shiloh Robinson defeated Foxx Vinyer, Mike Anthony and "The Real" Robert Coleman after rolling up Anthony for the pin. After the match, Pierre Vachon attacked Shiloh and called out Drake Evans, Shiloh's trainer and Pierre's opponent that night. Evans did come out and Vachon left, antagonizing the challenger.
- Ian Daniels beat Good Lord Willing via submission.
In an interview, Adam Badger was revealed to be lying about his shoulder injury when he couldn't produce any evidence from a doctor. Since Badger didn't have an injury and all the competitors had signed the contract for a match to take place that night, Minister Maxx Burton informed The Enemy and The Uprising that there would be an In Your Face Wrestling Tag Team title match that night.
- Liam McFerran won his match against Etanna by disqualification.
- Blood Money: War, Scott Scarsdale and Gulliaume deSade defeated Viper, "Bombshell" Bert Williams and The Northern Studd when WAR made Williams pass out to a sleeper submission.
- Sgt. Fury and Vigo beat The Savage Wolves: C.J. Scott and Damon Ravage. After the match, Ian Daniels and Drake Evans came out to get their revenge on CJ Scott and Ravage. The Savage Wolves were then thrown out of the building.
- "The Pillar" Roman Dominguez defeated Nocturne wth the Krushifix.
- The Uprising: "Loverboy" Ricky Williams & Jamar "Magic" Justice beat The Enemy: "The Spectacle" Adam Badger & "Megastar" Michael Monroe to become the new IYFW Tag Team Champions. After the match, Blood Money attacked the new champions.
- Pierre "The Beast" Vachon retained the IYFW Championship over Drake Evans. Roman Dominguez appeared and distracted Evans and the referee which allowed Vachon to knock Drake out with a chain and pin him. Vigo came out after and traded some punches with Vachon indicating that their feud is not over.
The first show of IYFW in 2012 saw one of the biggest crowds ever at the BACC that night. Thanks again to all our fans for their continued support and keep checking this site for future event announcements.
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